Apply to Live a Dream

Do have a senior in your community that continuously thinks about others before themselves? A senior who has been unable to check that next thing off their bucket list, or maybe a senior that has forgotten the joys of the simple things in life that used to bring them joy. We encourage you to nominate them to live their dream:

Nominate a Senior to Live Their Dream

More Information

After submission, please allow our team to review the dream for up to 6 weeks. Live A Dream is unable to approve certain dreams in a specific time frame due to many dreams needing outside resources such as:

  • Meeting a famous person
  • Attending a sports event or concert
  • Traveling far distances

Depending on the request submitted, Live A Dream will do its best to make all Bucket list Dreams come to life. But, know that we will prioritize some dreams over others due to:

  • Medical limitations of a resident
  • Time of year and weather
  • Resources and connections Live A Dream has at the time

Who is Eligible?

  • Must be 60 or older.
  • A Legal Resident or Citizen of the United States of America
  • Able to obtain doctors approval, if necessary, to physically and mentally experience the Dream.
  • Not convicted of a felony.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Live A Dream will not be able to achieve every dream that is submitted. Live A Dream reserves the right to grant and deny dreams under their discretion.

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